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Spam Karma

April 14th, 2008 · 12 Comments · Website

So I had checked my comment queue before and there was a bit of spam, and some “borderline spam” remains even though I already had a spam plugin installed as long as I’ve been using WordPress. I wasn’t really going to do much about it, but then I found Spam Karma.

The guy has the right motivation and mindset for making this sort of plugin (he hates spam and wanted to avoid false positives while quashing spam) and it has plenty of options and vectors through which it can try and figure out if a message is spam or not. And it was very simple to drop in with zero configuration, except the “N spam messages quashed” footer doesn’t seem to be working, I’ll fix it later. I should probably get a simpler and faster theme while I’m at it. What was I thinking.

In other news I seem to be running into some annoying bugs in Scribefire and Wordrpess.  When Scribefire “publishes” anything I try to post, it schedules it for 5 hours in the future… instead of publishing it.  When I try to publish it with WordPress, it doesn’t work and it still shows up as scheduled.  I have to first change the scheduled time to some time in the past before it will let me change it to Published status.  Weird.

Update: It seems to be entirely WordPress bugs from a little more research.


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